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2004上半年 系统分析师 上午试题(61-70)
来源:尚大教育官网 作者:尚大教育 时间;2018-12-28 15:05:10 点击数: 尚大软考交流群:376154208
  (61)A.3/5   B.2/5   C.3/7   D.4/7  ●在业务领域分析过程中,通过建立实体关系图,把与业务相关的数据模型化;通过建立__(62)_

  (61)A.3/5   B.2/5   C.3/7   D.4/7

  (62)A.数据流图(DFD)  B.过程层次图(PHD)  C.过程活动图(PAD)  D.过程关系图(PRD)
  (63)A.数据流图(DFD)  B.过程层次图(PI-ID) C.过程活动图(PAD)  D.甘特图(Gantte)

  (64)A.28000LOC/年  B.24000LOC/年  C.22800LOC/年  D.21500LOC/年
  (65)A.21000LOC    B.23000LOC    C.23500LOC    D.24500LOC
●Developing reliable software on time and within __(66)__ represents a difficult endeavor for many organizations.
  Usually business solutions have three main aspects : people, __(67)__ , and technology. The main reason for failing software projects has little to do with technology and tools, and much to do with lack of process __(68)__ . Experience has shown that introducing new technology and tools in an immature or undisciplined environment is likely to increase the Chaos.CASE tools are not enough. "A fool with a tool is still a fool!"
  Structured method was the first wave of the software industry. This was the beginning of
transforming software development from a "__(69)__ industry" to mass production. Software
process movement is the second wave in the software industry. The process maturity movement
prepares the way for the third wave of the software industry: "software industrialization".
Software development will become like an assembly and manufacturing process. A critical enabling factor is a disciplined software engineering process with predictable quality, __(70)__ and functionality.
  (66) A.forecast  B. preparation  C.budget    D.economy
  (67) A.process   B.skill     C.organization D.interface
  (68) A.law     B.discipline   C.plan     D.evaluation
  (69) A.College   B.family     C.workshop   D.Cottage
  (70) A.plan    B.schedule    C.effort    D.product

上一篇:2004上半年 系统分析师 上午试题(52-60)
下一篇:2004上半年 系统分析师 上午试题(71-75)
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