(61)A.静态IDLSkeletons B.POA
C.静态IDLStubs D.动态Skeletons
●ISO 7498-2标准涉及到的5种安全服务是_(62)_。可信赖计算机系统评价准则(TCSEC)把计算机系统的安全性分为4大类7个等级,其中的C2级是指_(63)_。
D.身份认证,访问控制,数据加密,安全标记,防止否认 (此
(63)A.安全标记保护 B.自主式安全保护 C.结构化安全策略模型 D.受控的访问保护
(64)A.802.11a和802.11b B.802.11a和802.11h
C.802.11b和802.11g D.802.11g和802.11h
(65)A.无线接入 B.用户服务 C.数据汇聚 D.业务管理
●Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an _(66)_ technique that allows an organization to determine the actual _(67)_ associated with each product and service produced by the organization without regard to the organizational structure. This chapter explains some of the uses and benefits of Activity Based Costing .We use IDEF0_(68)_modeling in conjunction with ABC to enable more effective business_(69)_design decisions.
In order to achieve the major goals of business process improvement, process simplification and improvement, FAA manages need to fully understand the cost, time and quality of activities performed by employees or machines throughout an entire organization. ABC methodsenable_(70)_ to cost out measurements to business simplification and process improvement.
(66)A.compudng B.campaigning C.programming D.accoundng
(67)A.acdvity B.quality C.cost D.process
(68)A.acdvity B.nowchart C.design D.management
(69)A.data B.benent C.process D.image
(70) A.computers B.managers C.clients D.consumers