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来源:尚大教育官网 作者:尚大教育 时间;2018-12-12 09:26:01 点击数: 尚大软考交流群:376154208
● Which statement about the preliminary design stage of a software development project is true? __(71)__ .(71)A.The preliminary design is an internal document used only by programmersB.The preliminary design is the result of mapping product requirements i

● Which statement about the preliminary design stage of a software development project is true? __(71)__ .

(71)A.The preliminary design is an internal document used only by programmers

B.The preliminary design is the result of mapping product requirements info software and hardware functions

C.The preliminary design of the product comes from the requirement specification

D.The developers produce the preliminary design by defining the software structure in enough detail to permit coding

● You are a project manager for a small project. Your project was budgeted for ¥500,000 over a six-week period. As of today, you’ve spent ¥260,000 of your budget to complete work that you originally expected to cost ¥280,000. According to your schedule, you should have spent ¥300,000 by this point. Based on these circumstances, your project could be BEST described as __(72)__ .

(72)A.Ahead of schedule

B.Behind schedule

C.On schedule

D.Having not enough information provided

● Sub-contractors should obey the contractor in information system project. When censoring sub-contractors, the supervisor mostly concerns about __(73)__.

(73)A.Amount of subcontract

B.qualifications and abilities of sub-contractors

C.responsibilities and obligations of sub-contractors

D.the contents of the subcontract

● A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a tool used to define and group a project’s discrete work elements in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project. A WBS is most useful for__(74)__.

(74)A.identifying individual tasks for a project

B.scheduling the start of tasks

C.scheduling the end of tasks

D.determining potential delays

● 10BaseT is an Ethernet LAN term meaning a maximum transfer rate of 10Mbps that uses baseband signaling and twisted pair cabling. A 10BaseT Ethernet LAN has a __(75)__ topology.




D.none of the above

上一篇: 2011年上半年信息系统监理师考试上午真题(61-70)
下一篇: 2011年下半年信息系统监理师考试上午真题(1-10)
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