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2011年上半年 系统集成项目管理工程师 上午试卷(71-75)
来源:尚大教育官网 作者:尚大教育 时间;2018-12-17 09:34:39 点击数: 尚大软考交流群:376154208
● TCP/IP communication protocol contains four layers. From bottom to top, the four layers are__(71)__(71)A.network interface layer, internet layer, transport layer and application layerB.internet layer, network interface layer, transport layer and applica

● TCP/IP communication protocol contains four layers. From bottom to top, the four layers are__(71)__

(71)A.network interface layer, internet layer, transport layer and application layer

B.internet layer, network interface layer, transport layer and application layer

C.network interface layer, transport layer, network interface layer and application layer

D.application layer, transport layer, internet layer and network interface layer


●  Ethernet is the commonly used local area network communication protocol. The standard of Ethernet is __(72)__.

(72)A.IEEE 802.1  

B.IEEE 802.2  

C.IEEE 802.3  

D.IEEE 802.11


● __(73)__are the four major activities of software configuration management. ①configuration identification    ②statement report     ③change control ④preparation of requirement document    ⑤configuration auditing  






● The earned value technique is a commonly used method of performance measurement. It integrates project scope, cost, and schedule measures to help the project management team assess project performance. If a project’s Schedule Performance Index(SPI=EV/PV) value less than 1.0, it means that __(74)__.  

(74)A.the project is ahead of its planned schedule  

B.less work was completed than was planned

C.the cost overrun for work completed 

D.the cost under-run of performance to date


●  SWOT analysis is a kind of risk identification method. If the project team chose the SO strategy, they should__(75)__.  

(75)A.make full use of the advantage and catch the opportunity

B.overcome the weakness and catch the opportunity

C.make full use of the advantage and reduce the threat

 D.overcome the weakness and reduce the threat

上一篇: 2011年上半年 系统集成项目管理工程师 上午试卷(61-70)
下一篇:2011年上半年 系统集成项目管理工程师 下午真题案例分析(一)
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